
Hi Jim,

Thanks for reading and commenting! I've seen intermittent fasting work extremely well for some of my patients. It all depends on the individual and what they eat when they aren't fasting. Glad to hear the AFib Cure is still at the top of your nonfiction favorites!!!

All the best,


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This was interesting and to me reminded me of a few things. 1. Fasting religiously for 16 hours a day is akin to a fad diet. Anything religiously makes me stressed. 2. Everyone has different health priorities but heart priorities all require the same basic rules: don’t eat too much fat or chemical food, no matter when you eat. And more important than what not to eat are the things I need to eat. Everybody knows what these are. Our mothers told us growing up. 3. Sufficient restful sleep happens early and a long time after the body has done the digesting work for the day and the mind has done its hard work too. Thanks for your consistent comments … the Cure for Afib remains at the top of my nonfiction favorites.

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